Loesch Farm Gardens

Loesch Farm hosts our area's only European-style community gardens. Modeled on the British Allotment gardens and the German Schrebegarden, our gardens differ in important ways from the common model of community garden practiced in the area. This European-style model with it's larger plot size (approximately 20'x70’) and thoughtful design allow for several significant improvements over the typical plots offered by city and county.

  1. Larger plots, leased for periods of one year or longer, allow for increased freedom in planting, and promote heightened stewardship and conservation of the soil. It’s enough space to grow lots of food, and to share your plot with friends or family.

  2. A large common area allows for gardeners to interact share harvests and socialize in the open air.

    Year-round access means you need not abandon your plot in the fall, and can practice season extension and work toward 3 and even 4 season harvests.

We have only several garden plots available for the season beginning soon. Loesch Farm Gardens is a project of One World Enterprises and is conveniently located at the northern end of the Karst Farm Greenway, 12 minutes west of downtown Bloomington.  We encourage people or couples to pair up on these gardens, as 1,400 square feet is a sizable garden. If you have interest in a plot for the coming season, please apply below.




Loesch Farm

2687 N Loesch Road

Bloomington, IN 47404